Pearl of Wisdom

When the Kharijites had been killed it was to Imam 'Ali (AS),? ?O Commander of the Faithful, these people have been destroyed in their entirety', to which the Imam (AS) responded, 'Not at all! By Allah they still exist in the loins of men and the wombs of women. Whenever a chief appears from among them he will be cut down till the last of them will be thieves and robbers.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. Sermon 60

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1 Al-Fâtihah 
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3 Âl-'Imrân
4 An-Nisâ'
5 Al-Mâ'idah 
6 Al-An'âm 
7 Al-A'râf 
8 Al-Anfâl
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23 Al-Mu'minûn
24 An-Nûr
25 Al-Furqân
26 Ash-Shu'arâ'
27 An-Naml
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29 Al-'Ankabût
30 Ar­Rûm 
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64 At-Taghâbun
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99 Az-Zalzalah
100 Al-'Adiyât
101 Al-Qâri'ah
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