Pearl of Wisdom

'The best act of common courtesy is that which good people are able to benefit from.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 4983

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  • Muhammadhusien Kermali
  • A Group of Researchers - Institute of Islamic Studies (London)
  • Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari
  • Sayyid Muhamad Rizvi
  • Ayatullah Dastghaib Shiraazi

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Library » Death & The Hereafter
Death & The Hereafter

A look into the stages man experiences during their journey of death, through actions performed during and post death as well as an insight into the intermediate state or Barzakh.

This section aims to bring the relevant details concerning death into perspective so that we truly start embracing and longing it.

We dedicate this section to a close family friend and ask that all the good deeds derived from this section intercedes as an aid to her in the Hereafter.

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# Article Title
1 What Is Death?
2 Death is a Reality
3 Philosophy of Death
4 'Death'- according to the Holy Qur’an
5 'Death' - according to the Traditions / Hadiths
6 The Arrival Of Ahle Bayt At The Moment Of Death
7 Why Do We Fear Death?
8 Just before (Ehtezar) and Immediately After Death
9 Death According to Deeds
10 Rules Related to a Dying Person
11 First Wajib Act - Ghusle Mayyit (Washing the Dead Body) Method
12 Second Wajib Act - TAHNIT or HUNUT (Applying Camphor Powder)
13 Third Wajib Act - Kafan
14 Fourth Wajib Act - Salaatul Mayyit
15 Fifth Wajib Act - Dafan Burial
16 Ghusl for touching a dead body (Mase Mayyit)
17 Questions And Answers In The Grave
18 Salaat-ul-Wahshat
19 Pressing Of The Grave
20 Barzakh
21 Barzakh and Our Bodies
22 Reaching the Dead
23 Meeting People in Barzakh
24 The Realm Of Barzakh
25 Animals Hear The Voice Of The Dead
26 The Protected People in Barzakh
27 Observation of Life after Death
28 Raj'at - Qiyamate Sughra
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