Pearl of Wisdom

'When the alcoholic one meets Allah, Mighty and Exalted, he will meet him as an idol worshipper.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
al-Khisal, p. 632, no. 10

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Anecdotes for Reflection

There are numerous ways for man to achieve guidance and emerge from darkness and move towards light.  God, for the prosperity of man and perfection of his morals, has created proofs, evidences and vestiges, so great in number that they are beyond reckoning and computation.  For the guidance of mankind, He sent the Prophets with Clear Proofs, Books, Miracles and Signs so that, perhaps, the people might perceive the right path and attain prosperity and success.

It is hoped that the readers, after going through the stories and narratives, reflect upon and take lessons from them so that they are able to create within themselves, a new impetus towards perfection of morals; and God Willing, those who are endowed with laudable morals, should relate them to others, for rectification and remedy of the weaker souls.

Compiled by Sayyid Ali Akbar Sadaaqat, Mordad, 1378.

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# Article Title
1 Chapter 1: Morals
2 Chapter 2: Beneficence
3 Chapter 3: Sincerity
4 Chapter 4: Perseverance
5 Chapter 5: Reconciliation
6 Chapter 6: Hopes
7 Chapter 7: Trustworthiness
8 Chapter 8: Examination
9 Chapter 9: Enjoining The Good And Forbidding The Evil
10 Chapter 10: Fairness
11 Chapter 11: Altruism
12 Chapter 12: Harassment
13 Chapter 13: Faith
14 Chapter 14: Brotherhood
15 Chapter 15: Independence
16 Chapter 16: Stinginess
17 Chapter 17: Evilness
18 Chapter 18: Misfortunes
19 Chapter 19: Sickness
20 Chapter 20: Parents
21 Chapter 21: Piety (Taqwa)
22 Chapter 22: Trust In Allah
23 Chapter 23: Submission
24 Chapter 24: Contemplation
25 Chapter 25: Humiliation
26 Chapter 26: Pride
27 Chapter 27: Humbleness
28 Chapter 28: Repentance
29 Chapter 29: Ignorance
30 Chapter 30: Greed
31 Chapter 31: Envy
32 Chapter 32: Truth and Falsehood
33 Chapter 33: Lawful and Unlawful
34 Chapter 34: Forbearance
35 Chapter 35: Modesty
36 Chapter 36: Fear
37 Chapter 37: Treachery
38 Chapter 38: The World
39 Chapter 39: Lies
40 Chapter 40: Theft
41 Chapter 41: Supplication
42 Chapter 42: Religion
43 Chapter 43: Dhikr (Remembrance Of Allah)
44 Chapter 44: Sustenance
45 Chapter 45: Pleasure (Over Divine Acts)
46 Chapter 46: Showing Off
47 Chapter 47: Fornication
48 Chapter 48: Generosity
49 Chapter 49: Polytheism
50 Chapter 50: Satan
51 Chapter 51: Patience
52 Chapter 52: Charity
53 Chapter 53: Silah Rahim
54 Chapter 54: Oppression And Injustice
55 Chapter 55: Worship
56 Chapter 56: Covenants And Promises
57 Chapter 57: Justice
58 Chapter 58: Chastisement
59 Chapter 59: Forgiveness
60 Chapter 60: Intellect
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