Pearl of Wisdom

'The greatest of sorcery is slandering, for through it loved ones are broken up, animosity is brought in between sincere friends, blood is shed, houses are demolished, veils are uncovered, and the talebearer is the most evil thing that has laid a step on this earth.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 63, p. 21, no. 14

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An Islamic History of Europe E-mail

In this 90-minute documentary, Rageh Omaar uncovers the hidden story of Europe's Islamic past and looks back to a golden age when European civilisation was enriched by Islamic learning.

Rageh travels across medieval Muslim Europe to reveal the vibrant civilisation that Muslims brought to the West. This evocative film brings to life a time when emirs and caliphs dominated Spain and Sicily and Islamic scholarship swept into the major cities of Europe. His journey reveals the debt owed to Islam for its vital contribution to the European Renaissance.

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