Pearl of Wisdom

when he was debating with an atheist, said, 'If you say that there are two gods, then they are either in complete agreement on everything or completely separate in all aspects. But when we look at this orderly creation, the continuous orbits, the alternation of night and day, and the sun and the moon, the soundness of the situation and the organisation and sound management of it indicates that the Director [of all creation] is One.' Then if you still claim that there are two gods, then there must necessarily be some kind of difference between them for them to be two [and therefore distinct from each other], and this distinguishing characteristic between them is itself eternal like them, so you are forced to accept three such beings. And if you hold that there are indeed three, then you have to admit the same thing that we said for two such that they [the three] necessarily have two distinguishing characteristics between them [to differentiate them from each other] so then there are five [such eternal beings] altogether, and thus does the multiplication continue until infinity.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Tawhid, p. 243, no. 1

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We acknowledge that the below reference for providing the original file containing the 'Sufu Comics'. They are

  • Mohammad Arif Vakil
  • Mohammaed Ali Vakil

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Library » Sufi Comics
40 Sufi Comics

Sufi Comics are short comic strips that illustrate the eternal spiritual truths in the teachings of Islam. 40 Sufi Comics is a collection of these comics in the form of a book. Below each comic are relevant verses from the Holy Qur'an and Traditions from the Prophet & The Ahlul Bayt.

The authors of this collection, Mohammed Ali Vakil & Mohammed Arif Vakil are brothers who grew up in Dubai where they attended a local Community Madrasah. Influenced by the spiritual and moral stories of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and his Holy Progeny (the Ahlul Bayt), taught at the Madrasah, Mohammed Ali began learning the art of drawing comics and used it to express these stories. Arif & Ali would publish these comics on their Blog.

After receiving tremendous feedback from readers, it was decided to publish these comics in the form of a Book, 40 Sufi Comics.

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# Article Title
1 Ethics - Justifying Wrong Actions
2 Ethics - Good Manners Melt a Hard Heart
3 Ethics - Positive Thinking
4 Ethics - The Forgiving Commander
5 Ethics - Childish Behaviour
6 Ethics - Teaching Beautifully
7 Ethics - The Truth about Lies
8 Ethics - Follow Principles
9 Ethics - Good Intentions and Hard Work
10 Ethics - The Stranger
11 Ethics - The Prayer of Jesus
12 Ethics - Mother
13 Ethics - How Far is Heaven?
14 Spirituality - Food for Thought
15 Spirituality - The Piety of Abu Dhar al Ghaffari
16 Spirituality - The Worship of Free Men
17 Spirituality - How to Pray to God
18 Spirituality - The Recipe for Curing All Sins
19 Spirituality - Secrets of Prayer Taught by Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS)
20 Spirituality - The Power of Prayers
21 Spirituality - Real Wealth
22 Spirituality - Preparing to Meet God
23 Spirituality - The Slave's Slave
24 Spirituality - Stabilise the Inner State
25 Spirituality - Where Does Wisdom Come From?
26 Spirituality - Where is God's Treasure?
27 Spirituality - Al Hamdu Lillah
28 Spirituality - The Meaning of Love
29 Philosophy - The Blind Astronomer
30 Philosophy - Is the World an Evil Place?
31 Philosophy - Free Will or Pre-Destination
32 Philosophy - Answering 3 Questions With 1 Brick
33 Philosophy - Dividing 17 Camels Between 3 People
34 Philosophy - A Visit to Hell
35 Philosophy - Key to Knowledge
36 Philosophy - No Problem
37 Existence of God - How & Where is God?
38 Existence of God - I Am The Creator
39 Existence of God - Evidence of The Creator
40 Existence of God - Can I See God?
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