Pearl of Wisdom

'If there was to be an act of worship for Allah's sincere servants to carry out better in the sight of Allah than thanksgiving to Him in every situation, He would have definitely singled out these worshippers for a mention from amongst the rest of creation for their carrying out this special act of worship. And for the very fact that there is no better act of worship than it [i.e. thanksgiving], He has distinguished it from all other acts of worship and has distinguished those who practice it, saying, And very few of My servants are truly thankful.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Misbah al-Shari'a, p. 55

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  • Muhammadhusien Kermali
  • A Group of Researchers - Institute of Islamic Studies (London)
  • Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari
  • Sayyid Muhamad Rizvi
  • Ayatullah Dastghaib Shiraazi

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Library » Death & The Hereafter » Animals Hear The Voice Of The Dead
Animals Hear The Voice Of The Dead E-mail

The aim of my talk is to throw light on the everlastingness of the other world (Barzakh), be it regarding bounties or of about their tastefulness or joy. On the other hand, the calamities of that world are also very hard and everlasting. May God protect! If a man gets entangled the torture in Barzakh and if we hear anyone of his terrible shrieks, all the terrible things of our world will appear nothing to us compared to that in Barzakh.

It is mentioned in Beharul Anwaar, Vol: 3, that the Holy Prophet said: I was grazing sheep before I was made His messenger by Almighty God. During those days I used to observe (as you might have also) that goats and sheeps were becoming still all of a sudden as if shocked deeply by something. You might have also observed that sometimes poultry birds like hen jump off and stop picking their food even when no danger (like animal) is seen anywhere near them. After I began getting revelations, I asked for the reason of such unusual happenings and Jibreel told me that in the realm of Barzakh, sinners get divine punishments. Their cries are heard by all except men and jinns. Such voices shock animals and they stop taking food etc.

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