Pearl of Wisdom

It is in the tradition recounting the Prophet's Ascension to the Heavens (al-mi'raj) that Allah addresses the Prophet (SAWA) saying, ?O A mad, Verily the good people and the people worthy of a good Hereafter have gentle countenances and much modesty, they possess little foolishness, they are of much benefit and they are seldom deceptive. People are at ease when with them whereas their souls are exhausted on account of them. Their words are balanced, they take account of their souls and exhaust them [through making them perform good]. Their eyes sleep but their hearts do not, their eyes weep and their hearts are remembering. When people are recorded as being neglectful, they are recorded amongst the remembering ones ... Nothing preoccupies them from Allah for a split second. They do not desire much food, neither wish to speak much nor have many clothes. According to them, people are dead and Allah is the Living One, the All-Sustainer.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. v. 77, p. 24, no. 6

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The Holy Qur'an » Asma ul Husna
Asma ul Husna

The essential name of the Almighty Creator, which is confirmed by the religion of Islam, "Allah" has no dictionary meaning.

With the exception of this name, all other names that describe Allah in the Holy Quran are known as the Asma ul Husna:

"The most beautiful names belong to Him (Allah)." ( Surah Al-Hashr, verse 24).

The phrase Asma ul Husna, made up of the word asma, the plural for "name", and husna, meaning beautiful or most beautiful, means "Allah's most beautiful names."The names which are attributes of Allah can be found in the Holy Quran.

In order to familiarise ourselves with Allah, one needs to be familiar with the meanings and implications of His attributes listed below.


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# Article Title
1 Al Rahman
2 Al Rahim
3 Al Malik
4 Al Qudduz
5 Al Salam
6 Al Mu'min
7 Al Muhaimin
8 Al Aziz
9 Al Jabbar
10 Al Mutakabbir
11 Al Khaliq
12 Al Bari
13 Al Musawwir
14 Al Ghaffar
15 Al Qahhar
16 Al Wahhab
17 Al Razzaq
18 Al Fattah
19 Al Aleem
20 Al Qabid
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