Pearl of Wisdom

Salvation comes at the peak of the ordeal.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 12, no. 70

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Library » The Lantern of the Path
The Lantern of the Path

The path of Islam contains a most comprehensive and total system of conduct for the wayfarer. The outer behaviour of a true Muslim reflects what is deep in his inner consciousness.

In his teachings, Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq shows the way to equilibrium in a most inspired way of tawhid. As a man of insight and knowledge he sees the unified hand and demonstrates it to the sincere seeker. These teachings can be of benefit to anyone who has an interest in spiritual matters and is concerned with benefiting from the path of Islam.

The Imam's explanations in 'The Lantern of the Path to Almighty Allah' contain many levels of understanding. Much depends upon the state of the seeker and the extent of his sincerity. Although this section is small, its meanings are vast.

We pray to Allah to increase our knowledge and experience of His vast compassion and mercy.

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# Article Title
41 Using the Lavatory
42 Siwak
43 Judgements
44 Clarification
45 Avarice
46 Rest
47 Reflection
48 Worship
49 Well-being
50 Corruption
51 Greed
52 Envy
53 Intellect and Passion
54 Silence
55 Retreat
56 Repentance
57 Salaams
58 The Tashahhud
59 Prostration in Prayer
60 Bowing in Prayer
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