Pearl of Wisdom

'Verily Allah, Glory be to Him, allotted the food provisions of the poor within the wealth of the rich, so no poor man goes hungry except as a result of what a rich man has denied him, and Allah, most High, will question him about that.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Saying 328

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View Questions Within Marriage - Muta'
# Subject Question Status
912 Marriage I am divorced khullah yafta Virgin woman and i am 21 years old
after intense hatred I had taken divorced by first husband.
Then I make {The method of pronouncing the marriage formula} Nikah e Sani with custom and intended to become a religious women with out father permission. Can i go to husband as complete marriage Without father's permission because i want to learn rules of islam.
1077 married man can have muta Salamun alaikum,

I am a married man living with my wife and children happily. Can i engage myself in marrying temporary (mutah) with a christian divorcee lady for online chatting only, in addition to my existing marriage ?
1103 Mutah my family is sunni and have accepted for me to marry a shia male, although my father has said that we must wait 2 years in order for me to finish my studies. He has given permission for us to speak with one another but we wish to perform mutah so that it may be halal for us. My father doesn't believe in mutah so will i need his permission for it considering he has already agreed to our marriage?
1113 Hide to wife I live in a foreign country my wife not with me, I'm going to mutah for a period, could I hide it to my permanent wife?? (that I going to mutah)
1183 seeking to get married As Salaamu Alaikum,

I am seeking a wife but my anxiety to approach a sister stops me
I'm forty eight and 1. What is the proper age range of course beyond thirty. Do I still need wali...and what if none is available? I am a revert so sometimes I may greet a brother and I receive a look but no reply, so should I stay within my own race
1188 permission compulsory of wife Can a married man do muta without his wife's consent
1202 Permission of parents Salam i am 24 years girl..i got my KHOLA without wedding, i am still Virgin..... So can i go for mutta without permission of my parents?
1211 Mutah with ahlul kitab Salam allekum,

I am Muslim married man and want to do mutah with ahlul kitab(Christian) which is not valid as per ruling what if she is ready to become Muslim for mutah
1230 Marriage As salam aluykum, my husband told me that he wants me to buy a strapon and use it inside his ass for his pleasure, is this haram in islam?
1220 temporary marriage with non Mu If spouse is away for more than one month than can husband do mutha with non Muslim who is giving massage and masturbat.
1235 I need muta Iam a sunni butt i need a muta but i am not farsi language and not content to girl pls help me for muta
1254 Temporary Marriage As-salaam Mulaikum, if I am permanently married to a muslim women and I wish to contract temporary marriage with a Christian or jew, can I do that without my first wifes consent according to Imam Khamenei?
1289 Mutah to become mahram A man does the temporary marriage of one of his daughter with his male servant so that he can become mahram to his wife and that he can clean the house freely. Will his other daughters become also mahram to the male servant?
2146 Mutah with a Virgin girl As salam alekum, Can I perform mutah with a self-dependent girl who takes her own decision? Does permission from her parents required? What if the permission from her parents is denied and still we perform mutah, in that case, our mutah is valid or not? We will fall into greater sin if we don't perform mutah as soon as possible. Kindly answer.
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