Pearl of Wisdom

'The believer is grateful in times of prosperity, patient during tribulation, and fearful in times of ease.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 1743

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Ask Qul is a new secure and private medium for asking and answering your Islamic questions by our educated, experienced and qualified scholars from the Hawza Islamic University in Qum, Iran and renowned Sheikhs from around the globe.

Our Team

Currently we have been honored by the commitment of a number of highly renowned and experienced Sheikhs, they are:

  • Sheikh Hamid Waqar - had started his Islamic studies in the year 2001 when he moved to Qum and has been studying there since. He currently studies at the highest levels of Islamic jurisprudence, translates many books and runs the Muntazar website. You can find his book Over the Wall for detailed look at his life. His strengths is his ability to understand exactly what the youth is dealing with, and will attempt to answer those questions accordingly. 

  • Sheikh Hamza Sodagar - a senior student currently in the Islamic Seminary of Qum, Iran has lectured around the world and brings his strong insight in Islamic jurisprudence.

  • Sheikh Jehad Ismail - completing his BA in Translation and Religion at Al-Azhar University, he changed his School of Thought to the Shia Ithna Ashari based on prayer and many books, ie: Right Path and The Important Chapters in Uniting the Muslims/Ummah by Allama Abulhussein Sharafudden. He is a Scholar who is knowledgeable of both Schools of Thought as well as Interfaith dialog. 

  • Sheikh Zaid al Salami - a well respected Sheikh who currently resides in the Sydney region, Australia and is the current Imam of the Nabi Akram Mosque. His vast experience in public speaking and teaching is off the greatest asset to the communities.

  • Professor Hassanain Rajabali - a world renowed speaker who has over 20 years experience in lecturing on contempary issues facing Islam and dealing with theory based questions. He has a degree in Molecular Biology and Phsychology, is a Principle of the Tawheed Institure and runs a successful internet company, Netsite Corp. Further, he the Director of Camp Taha which is the worlds first Muslim owned camp located in Columbiaville, Michigan.

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