Pearl of Wisdom

to a group of healthy people sitting down in a corner of the mosque [not working], 'Who are you?' to which they replied, We are the ones who place our trust in Allah.' He said, 'No, rather you are theabraded.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, v. 11, p. 220, no. 12798

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# Subject Question Status
351 Abu Bakr's son One of Abu Bakars son, Mohammaed Abu Bakar was brought up by Imam Ali AS, what was the name of Mohammeds mother?
762 Lannat Assalamualaykum

Hope all is fine.
I serious need guidance on cursing enemies of Ahlulbayt!We don't have any Sheikh in our city,please help.

Can we send Allah's Lannat on Umar,Abu Bakr,Uthman everyday?Or is it only on certain days.

Is it allowed to lannat a wife of a Prophet?

Fee amanilah
985 Films in your website Hi,
I did see films posted in our website. according to prophets sayings we shud not create any copy or drama or films based on quran literatures and stories .kindly update me on this.
999 about uais al qarnu Why uwais r.a. never met prophet muhammad? Was he one of the sahaba?
1141 Imam Ali & Umar Khattab Is it true that Ali(A) did actually married his daughter Ummu Khulsum to Umar bn Khattab as reported in some Shi'a books? If it is true, what is the wisdom behind that?
1683 request kindly correct the meaning of LA ILLAHA in the category of benefits of surahs of surah 26 thanks
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