Pearl of Wisdom

'Blessed be the one whom the assassins of delusion have not killed.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 5973

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View Questions Within Holy Prophets
# Subject Question Status
130 Pictures of past towns Recently there was pictures of The People of 'Ad spread across the internet, and the People were semi giant looking relative to our current structure. Were the People really that big?
318 How did Adam Eve's children propagate? I was asked by my fathers friend about the begining of creation.
If it were Adam and Eve at the begining they had children then how did the rest of the human race follow as this means the siblings had offspring so on.

Please give me an explination as I find myself thinking about this for the last few days.
326 Nabi Yusuf and whale what was the name of the place where nabi yusuf was thrown out of the stomach of the fish?and which country in todays world is that place located?
453 Question about Adam Did allah make Adam one of the elohim
459 merits of Prophet Isa companions Assalaamu Alaykum,

What was the merit of The Disciples of Prophet Isa (ASWS)? Were some corrupt? What do The Qur`an and aHaadeeth say about them?

Jazaak ALLAHU Khayr
487 What does Ummi mean? The messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his holy progeny) is Ummi as per the holy Quran/in chapter 62 Juma. Ummi means jaahil (illiterate) but only Shia call the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) as not jaahil (illiterate)?
638 loving prophet Muhammad PBUH salaam
Allah says to love the prophet as this will make us closer to Allah and help in dua ... so how can I do this to help my dua be accepted ? how can we be close to the prophet without it becoming shirk ?
663 nabi s.a.w. parents religion Salaam,I want to know if the parents of muhammed s.a.w's pants aminah and abdullah were muslims and also that if his grandfather and uncle abu talib were muslims?
685 last sermon salam can you give me a full detail of the prophet swa last sermon. with authentic hadits and references thanks you.
784 Birth of the holy prophet Salaamun Alaykum,

I was wondering why the sunni faith celebrates the birthday of the holy prophet on the 12th of rabbiul awwal and Shia on the 17th. I frequently have these discussions and wanted to know if there's solid proof on this birthdate issue, maybe in the Quran?
your help will really be appreciated, thank you
968 Ismail story Is mentioned in the Koran that Ismail peace be upon him are slaughtered and if not how it was based on the interpretation that he is slain and what affect the difference between Ismail or Isaac ?
862 ayyub (alai) Is prophet Ayyub (alai)from the lineage of porophet Ibrahim (alai)?
945 Kaaba and the evidence Asalamalaykum,

I have a friend who is Christian. My friend and I usually talk about our religions as we both know a lot yet not a lot. More so of what we have heard from family and light verses here and there. So recently she got upset and said that Islam makes no sense because she feels it is like Hindus who worship temples...we Muslims worship the Kaaba. I explained a lot to her that Abraham (pbuh) built it with his son. She says it was Arab pagans and Muhammad is falsehood and is misguiding soo many people as the bible states. She really likes to make judgements or arguements based on fact. She said she does not believe that Abraham(pbuh) built the Kaaba because there is no evidence besides the Quran and that a lot of things if it was word of God were mentioned in books of what is to come etc. So she says it makes no sense why God chose Jeruselum a Holy Place for the prophets and Muhammad (pbuh) chose Mecca Nd that the bible nor any other book doesn't talk about the Kaaba and only Jerusalem. She says it is obvious that it is not stable to what it states and states the Black stone is a meteorite. What can I show my friend as evidence to open her eyes to the truth. I pray to Allah (SWT)to guide her to the straight path. She was born in a different religion and in childhood her whole family converted to Christianity and she has strong faith in in Christianity. But lately it seems as if she is searching for answers in Islam and is willing to hear me and argue with me at the same time...because usually she will ignore reading what I send to her and lately she hasn't been doing that instead reads and questions in anger and wants answers...and I want to help her but I don't have answers in detail of proof as I am not as knowledgeable in Islam.
1058 meanings of MASOOM SIR,
my question is that can all prophets are masoom?
1116 neighbours i woul like to have a few hadith on neighbours by prophet muhammad (saw ) for my non muslim neighbours.
with duas
1144 Yusuf as What is the name of country and place where Yusuf as and parents lived?
1145 Zhu Nuun 1. What prophet was also called zhu nun?
1157 AGE OF PROPHETS Want to know the how long the survey on earth all 24 prophet
1185 FACTS ABOUT PROPHETS some facts about prophet Shu'aib
1250 Imran Salam
Was Imran a prophet as in 'Ali Imran'?
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