Pearl of Wisdom

'You have a heart and ears to hear, and verily if Allah wants to guide a servant, He will open the ears of his hearts, and if He wills the opposite, He will seal the ears of his heart so it will never again be sound. This is the purport of Allah's verse: or are there locks on the hearts?'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Mahasin, v. 1, p. 318, no. 633

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View Questions Within Business / Investment
# Subject Question Status
115 money in high interest account Can I put my money in a high interest bank account?
270 Permissible to work in Derivatives Is it Permissible to work in Derivatives?
277 consuming ice-cream with alcohol My question is related to selling and consumption of ice-cream containing less than 0.5% ethanol type of alcohol. I purchased an ice-cream business and now I am finding out that some of the ice-cream syrup contains less than 0.5% ethanol type of alcohol. That syrup is then used to make ice-cream.

My question to you is: Can I (a Muslim) sell or eat this ice-cream made from syrup that contains less than 0.5% of ethanol type of alcohol?
279 playing games of chance, Sistani What is the ruling according to Ayatollah Sistani on buying and playing lottery tickets and other such games of chance?
333 working for Israeli company SA,Can we work in a company which is owned by an israeli? Is the income coming through such workings legitimate? Please advice.Keep up the good work.KH
371 matching value for money A Muslim took a loan from another Muslim. After a while the market value of that amount goes down. How much should he pay back to the creditor?
The amount that he got as loan or its equivalent in the market value at the time of payment?
Does the rule differ if the creditor is non-Muslim?
382 government intervention Some governments are committed to providing housing for the needy under specific circumstances. Is it permissible for a Muslim to buy a house in which he resides for a short time (so that he will not be liable for khums [on that house]), and then he gives it out on rent so he can then go and live in a house subsidized by the government?
438 Interest bank accounts If I know that the bank will give me interest even without stipulating the conditions, is it permissible for me to deposit in a savings account that takes the form of a term-deposit?
440 Copyright issues If the phrase "rights of publication are reserved to the author or publisher" is written on some publications, is it obligatory to abide by the content of this phrase?

And with the supposition that it is mandatory, is it permissible to print them (publications) if public welfare or religious betterment depends on it?
486 personal trainer as occupation Is it haram for me - as a man - to work as a personal trainer in a gym?
495 islamic bank question may we give our place or property for atm to non islamic bank on rent
532 investment in bonds Is it haram to invest in bonds?
617 Foreign currency trading Salam alaikom
Brother can you please indicate according to the Islamic law, is trading in foreign currency (buying and selling) permitted?

699 life insurance is life insurance haram and if it is why and what can we do to protect our families from debt like mortagages
630 Stocks Would it be haraam if I invested in stocks ? This investing wouldn't be considered gambling of any sorts?
1297 where can i get a prescription for viagra in milw. wi. dkyxWalenenrypcppi buy viagra and prescription drugs viagra\' generic viagra from canada
977 Email Assalamun Alaikum brother.
I now that this is not the question that you had waiting for, but do u know what sheik mahir al muaqly's email is?
693 is it good? when you are working for someone, you ar now taking some part of the money to eat and after eating you now take another one for no reason is that a sin as a muslim or what and after u count the total money for the day is complete.
1072 Muslim and bank job Assalamu alaykum! I have two questions.
1) Can a Muslim work in a non-Islamic bank?
2)Can a Muslim save or buy shares in a western bank?
750 to become a lawyer i want to become a lawyer in the future can you tell me is tauriyah allowed (saying half truth)becuse mostly we have to say lies?
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