Pearl of Wisdom

'Allah Almighty revealed unto Prophet Moses (AS), 'Remember that you will be residing in a grave, and that will prevent you from a lot of carnal desires.'

al-Kafi, v. 8, p. 42,46, no. 8

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View Questions Within Hadiths / Traditions
# Subject Question Status
131 Abu Hurriyah hadiths authentic? Why do we the Shia not consider Abu Huriyah's narrations authentic?
307 praying 1000 rakats in hadith Hi,
I'm not a Shia so i find this quite strange, i hear that there are there these traditions that state that Imam Ali (ra) used to pray 1000 rakats of prayer every night?
If such traditions do exist, could you please give me a source.
352 Hadith tafsir please I want to ask that our beloved Prophet Mohammad saws said Attain knowledge even if u have to go to china for gaining knowledge Imam Ali a.s. also said Attain Knowledge does all this hadees is only for islamic knowledge or for even worldly knowledge?
469 eighteen bani hashim asalam alaikum may i know the name of eighteen bani hashim?
491 Ibrahim ibn Hashim What is your opinion on Ibrahim ibn Hashim, the father of Ali ibn Ibrahim al-Qummi, as a narrator?
615 sharia where can i search more about apostasy in islam?
or if you can send me information about apostasy in Quran and hadiths from prophet mohammed saw and the imams.
635 relate hades word to word somtimes we relate hades to another person but it happens that we don't know word to word can we relate the hadis ,but what message does the hadis have can we relate hadis's message in own words or if we don't know word to word of the original hadis what can we do?
1140 islam Who is mohammad(saw)
754 Position of sleeping Which way should we sleep? Is it ok to sleep on our front if we suffer from back aches? What's wrong if we sleep on left side,right side,backside?
757 tafseer of this hades Holy prophet mohammed (s.a.w.s) said beware of marrying a stupid girl for her company is a waste and her offsprig are (like) hyenas? I wanted to know what this hades means
772 fabricating hadith I read your column dedicated to Fateemah (R.A), and i find it too way out of place with your argument being backed by fabricated hadith. why do you find it easy to quote fabricated hadith, in support of this shia ideology
829 what does imam hussaina.s mean what does imam hussain (a.s.) mean by saying that every day is ashura, every land is karbala?
923 qunoot assalam-o-alaikum
is this durood authentic & is transmitted from aima & can we read it in qunoot
Allahumma salle ala Fatimata wa abeeha wa baleha wa baneeha wa serrel maustaudea feeha bi adade ma ahata behi elmok
1048 Usool e deen Salaam alaikum, kindly rectify the answer to question no.63 under Islamic occasions-Questions and answers-General QA. Thanks and regards.
1106 Namaz Assalamulaikum, i wanted to ask that when the Imam recites surah during a prayer and for us standing behind Imam after reciting surah Al Fatah, we can do zikr or ask forgiveness from Allah SWT or just remain silent till the imam finishes the surah???
1215 Prayer and destiny I have heard about this incident that a man came to Imam Ali and asked him about why he should pray when everything is already mentioned in the destiny. so he replied what if it is written in your destiny that you'll only get what you want only when you pray for it.. Can you please verify this hadith and quote the references?
1279 Transliteration Salaam,

Can you please add transliteration of Hadith e kisa. Because i need to lean it off by heart and its a bit difficult so could you please add it for the best experiance.

Ya Ali Madad
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