Pearl of Wisdom

'Fairness brings harmony between hearts.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 1130

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# Subject Question Status
160 parties in the west Many of my friends who are not Muslim decide to have their birthdays in nightclubs etc...these are generally the only times I go to nightclubs.

Considering I don't drink alcohol or engage in sinful acts (I generally just find a corner and talk to friends) should I still be trying to not be in these situations?

Many of these friends I would consider close but they would sort of understand me not going.
367 what games are haram? What games are haram to play?
226 shaking hands as part of work I am working in a company and supposed to shake hands with customers, male or female. If don't do that, it would be considered impolite and there is a risk of losing my job and suffering the aftermath? What should I do?
282 talking with partner over the phone I want to ask about talking to ones fiancee on telephone, is it permissible or not?
296 Islam and co-education Hey, Can you please explain what is the concept of Islam about co-education? Whether both males and females can work together in an organization or not?
298 stealing from unbelievers/kufur SA,
A general question, don't judge me please. But is it permissible to steal from the unbelievers in their countries, or defraud them as they themselves do?
328 urge to commit sin Im a 19 year old boy.. Since childhood i have been interested in girls, but i used to avoid all this cuz its a sin in since my teenage, i have been feeling an urge to have a companion with whom i can share my feelings, thoughts be happy with. my intention is pure, i dont want to have a partner for just sexual reasons, but because i feel too alone.. my younger friends brothers have such partners..what is the solution for this problem??
397 multipurpose halls Is it allowed to rent out a matam building for holding wedding parties? If not, can the person who uses the matam for the same purpose (without the intention of renting) pay an amount that he likes as a donation for the matam?
431 non-mahram in the west These days women go out on public streets while some parts of their body that should be covered are exposed. Is it permissible to look at them without lust and sexual pleasure?
437 clapping in Islam At a wedding and other joyous occasions, men and women clap. Is this allowed?
441 is this stealing? I found something in a public places like the street, market, airport, train station, harbor or taxi and whose owner I am sure there is no possibility of finding.
443 wokring in western society Is it permissible to work in a restaurant that serves pork and alcoholic beverages?
446 touching females for education Some students in the physical medical science study physiotherapy which requires touching the body of a female patient and handling her (body), to the extent required by the illness. Were the student to refuse to do that, he would fail the examination. Is it permissible to study this science and specialize in it?
450 celebrations in Islam Celebrating birthdays allow in Islam?
483 treatment of homosexuals How is one supposed to treat people that are homosexual/transsexual in their society?
554 friend with girl, allowed? is it a sin to be a girl and have a close friend who is a boy? we only talk by texts, but we talk a lot and every day. is this not allowed? if it is a sin, I would be prepared to never speak to him again for Allah. please let me know , Jazakallah
576 How are tattoos allowed How can tattoos be halal if they are morally wrong?

Isn't this encouraging the youth to get ink on their bodies which is permanent for the rest of their lives, and viewed by society in a low level?
790 Oaths Salamun Alaikum,
Please do not judge me as I already feel so bad..I have swore oath to Allah (SWT) that I won't do things etc like reading gossip ma,gazines playing computer games I feel really upset because I have failed to keep these oaths..Are these oaths nullified now I have broken them what is the ruling on swearing oaths to The Almighty (SWT) should one be wudu at the time of swearing the oath please advice me..Is it haraam to play games such as mobile phone apps and computer games? Please advice me based on Ayatollah Khamenei (HA) rulings thankyou..If I may ask are you based in Iran?

Iltemasei Dua'a..
794 Greetings Is it wrong to greet just by saying "salaam" instead of "as-salaam aliakum"...Please can you answer this question
836 Online penpals Salamn alaykum

I am studying foreign language in school and i decided to find a penpal online to help me improve in that language. I have found a penpal who is a girl and i am a boy.

It would be sad for me and especially for her if our friendship stopped because she has begun to trust me and has often talked to me about her problems and the problems which she faced during childhood which still haunt her today. I feel that often she needs me for support.

Apart from that we talk about our differences in culture, religion (i share with her islamic perspectives in general and often when giving advice), current affaires, school life, and general conversation like "how are you?" "What have you got planned for today?". We contact each other via writing and skype video calls.

Am i allowed to maintain this relationship if i dont lead myself into haraam, and control my thoughts and desires? Is it atleast possible to maintain contact with her?
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