Pearl of Wisdom
My brother Husayn b. Muhammad narrated, saying, 'I had a friend who used to teach the child of Bagha or Wasif. He said to me, 'The governor, on his return from the Caliph's palace said to me, 'Today the commander of the faithful has imprisoned this person known as Ibn al-Rida [i.e. the son of al-Ria] and has handed him over to 'Ali b. Karkar, and I heard him say, 'I am dearer to Allah than the she-camel of alih so Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days that is a promise not untrue/ What he meant by that verse or by his speech is not clear. [He said]: I said, may Allah increase your honour, he has made a threat, now see what would happen after three days. The next day the caliph freed Ibn al-Rida and apologised. On the third day Yaghiz, Yaghlun, Tarnish and a group of people with them assaulted him and killed him, and instated al Muntasir his son as the Calliph.'
Imam Ali ibn Muhammad al-Hadi [as] Ibid. v. 50, p. 189, no. 1 Latest Answers
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