Pearl of Wisdom

'When you are assured of your brother's love for you, then do not worry about when you will meet each other.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 4087

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View Questions Within Sexual Ethics & Morals
# Subject Question Status
1135 sexual intercorse Asallamu aliakum ,Can a husband penetrate a womens asshole????
1136 sex with wife via video cal Aslam alikum
actually i am feeling a big problem nowadays.that is i have done a nikkah with girl as per shia shariah and by all the condition and obligation like mehr is paid before 2 year.i am still a student and because of studies i am living vary far from my house where my wife is i am doing sex with my wife by videocall is it allowed .but there is one thing after videocal i satisfied myself by masterbate because there is no option left.what is rights on me about this matter .if i dont satisfy myself i think i will do a great sin
1137 sex with wife via video cal Aslam alikum
actually i am feeling a big problem nowadays.that is i have done a nikkah with girl as per shia shariah and by all the condition and obligation like mehr is paid before 2 year.i am still a student and because of studies i am living vary far from my house where my wife is i am doing sex with my wife by videocall is it allowed .but there is one thing after videocal i satisfied myself by masterbate because there is no option left.what is rights on me about this matter .if i dont satisfy myself i think i will do a great sin
1138 sex with wife via video cal Aslam alikum
actually i am feeling a big problem nowadays.that is i have done a nikkah with girl as per shia shariah and by all the condition and obligation like mehr is paid before 2 year.i am still a student and because of studies i am living vary far from my house where my wife is i am doing sex with my wife by videocall is it allowed .but there is one thing after videocal i satisfied myself by masterbate because there is no option left.what is rights on me about this matter .if i dont satisfy myself i think i will do a great sin
1139 sex with wife via video cal Aslam alikum
actually i am feeling a big problem nowadays.that is i have done a nikkah with girl as per shia shariah and by all the condition and obligation like mehr is paid before 2 year.i am still a student and because of studies i am living vary far from my house where my wife is i am doing sex with my wife by videocall is it allowed .but there is one thing after videocal i satisfied myself by masterbate because there is no option left.what is rights on me about this matter .if i dont satisfy myself i think i will do a great sin
1149 Self stimulation Majority of my research show that self stimulation and masturbation is considered haram, however I don't know the ruling on female masturbation without the penetration. Is this also considered haram? What happens if a female masturbates without penetrating herself?
Thank you
1160 sexchat is it allowed to wirte with a guy/girl in a dirty way? (just writing nothing more)
1165 fiqh Assalam alaikum......i always have wet dream, however, in the dream i usually have a vision of the female private part. pls i will like to know the islamic ruling on seeing the female private part in dream. thank you
1166 Fingering the anus Asalam-o-Alaikum!

I want to know that is fingering tge anus allowed in Islam? We didn't try it but we just want to have sex according to Islam but if husband uses his finger in his wife's anus, is if haram?

is it haram for a wife to suck her husband penis during fore play
1248 ejaculation salaam. I was wanting to know whether during sex, and if I don't want to ejaculate in her, can I pull out my penis and rub it till i ejaculate elsewhere, like on her face for example?
1232 Sexual Desire I am a 40 year old woman. I have been looking for a good momin for so long to get married but have not found someone. I am looking for a good human being who follows Islam and is a lover of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). Allah has made humans with desires. And I have plenty. I live in guilt, frustration and extreme irritation because I am deprived of sexual needs. Often I control my nafs but sometimes it's impossible. What can I do to prevent such sexual desires till I find someone to marry?
1212 Anal Masturbation Is anal masturbation (such as inserting fingers or objects into the anus) a sin? If so, is it as sinful as regular masturbation or is it worse?
1240 porn what should one do if finds out the respective spouse (husband) watches porn inspite of having a good sexual life.
how should a distressed wife address to this issue to the husband ?
1253 Oral sex I am muqallid of Ayatullah Khamenei.
What is his fatwa about legality of oral sex, when husband and wife both are agreed for this?
Please provide the fatwa from his authentic sources i.e. website or Tauzeeh.
1263 Masturbation &anus penetration Salam. My husband lives in another country and he wants me to satisfy him on call or video and he masturbates there and i relax myself too.. so i want to know if this is allowed? Because we dont want to get into wrong things and we dont know when will he come to meet me.
Second question is, he really likes rimjob and wants to do it with me, ive heard that anal sex is haram but hes not putting his penis in, so is it allowed?
Please reply. As we are really young and have no clue about all these things.
1270 Gusl after vibrator on vagina I put a vibrator on my vagina and I pleasures myself .if I want to pray after that , do I have to gusl or just wadu will purify me?
1271 Touching boobs and vibrator I am a girl and I want to know something. What if I rub ice on my own boobs and put vibrator on my vagina and have a sexual pleasure? Do I have to do Ghusl Janaba after that? Please answer my question if I have to do Full bath after that or not.
1276 mufa khathat I just learned about mufa khathat, and it confuses me that great Ayatollah's like Khomeini and Sistani, find this act with minors permissible, Khomeini even says its acceptable with a suckling infant!Whatever time it is, whether the prophet's pbuh or ours, this act is unacceptable because its with a minor, its molestation.
Can you please explain to me how this act can every be viewed as permissible? Where in Qur'an is it accepted? What hadith says this is appropriate?
Why have our Shi'a ayatollahs made such an act permissible? I'm so confused and heartbroken to learn our leaders/marjas find this acceptable.
1419 Masturbation with wife Is it allowed in shariya to shake the penis with one's own hands and pass/discharge the semen (sperms) in wife's vegina when it is about to ejeculate out? Will this act also be called as masturbation?
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