Pearl of Wisdom

When anyone of you enters his own house, he should greet with peace, for verily it brings down benediction, and angels come to keep him company.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 76, p. 7, no. 25

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View Questions Within Sexual Ethics & Morals
# Subject Question Status
104 is masturbation haram? I am not married or engaged or good looking. Why is it haram to masturbate for people like me?
123 sex toys in Islam Is the use of sex toys allowed in a marriage relationship, ie vibrators?
148 marriage with two sisters Hi,

Is it allowed to marry (temporary or permanent) two sisters?
If so, are they allowed to touch eachother?

Thank you
162 anal intercourse in Islam, allowed? Are we allowed to have anal sexual intercourse?
Is it haram or just 'not recommended' act?
172 watching porno whether watching pornography is an offence in islam or not?
175 sinning and repentenance As-salaam mulaikum. Obviously a man who has sinned and the one who has not sinned are at different levels of piety, but can a man who has sinned catch up to the status of the one who has not sinned through repentence and peforming good deeds.
176 semen consumption As salam alaikum
Dear Brother

I would like to know that during foreplay between husband and wife, is it allowed to for the wife to swallow semen.
What if it is swallowed accidentally
177 wuzu and sexual intercourse As salam alaikum
Dear Brother

In islam it is recommended to do Wuzu first then have a sexual relation with the wife.
My question is that during foreplay women secrete a liquid. Is this liquid nagis or pak.
365 wife masturbating for husband If my wife wants me to masturbate in front of her, is it then allowed?
363 type of semen, please explain Whenever I am thinking about a beautiful woman, there comes out a liquid that is very similar to semen? Is it semen?
How can I understand that it is semen or a clean discharge?
228 masturbation with product like a vagina Some companies have produced an item similar to the woman’s vagina that some men would place over their penis at bedtime for carnal desire. Is this classified as masturbation that is forbidden?
301 anal intercourse question Salaam,
Are we allowed to have anal intercourse with the wife, and when is it no allowed at all?
304 sucking wife's milk, halal? A strange question, but can a husband suck milk frm her wifes breasts?
311 using condom during sex I just want to know that Does Islam permit the use of CONDOM during the valid sex.
323 types of discharge of the penis Hello - which kind of dicharge is mani?
372 orgasm and ghusal Does a woman enter the state of Janabah, if she reaches orgasm without penetration?
375 kissing same gender Can a man kiss another man?
389 Can I touch or kiss my fiance? Can I touch or kiss my fiance?
417 fingering during sex Salams
if a finger is inserted in men/women during sex n no intercourse done do they need to take ghusl n also fingering is allowed???
418 man embracing another man What is the view on a man embracing another man with lust, and go about kissing one another with sexual desire? What if they go even further and enter the domain of deviant sexual behaviour?
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