Pearl of Wisdom

'There is no better support than good counsel.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. Saying 54

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View Questions Within Marriage - Nikkah
# Subject Question Status
987 Date of Marriage My Nikkah has done. I have followed imamia jantri... 29 shawwal birth date of Hazarat Abu Talib A.s. as good day..
after that I read in other jantri/ book that 29 shawwal is bad day for it true..
Further I have read Hadees that Nika should not to be done in Shawwal..
I am tense now to read tht..what shd I do now
988 Date of Marriage My Nikkah has done. I have followed imamia jantri... 29 shawwal birth date of Hazarat Abu Talib A.s. as good day..
after that I read in other jantri/ book that 29 shawwal is bad day for it true..
Further I have read Hadees that Nika should not to be done in Shawwal..
I am tense now to read tht..what shd I do now
989 Date of Marriage My Nikkah has done. I have followed imamia jantri... 29 shawwal birth date of Hazarat Abu Talib A.s. as good day..
after that I read in other jantri/ book that 29 shawwal is bad day for it true..
Further I have read Hadees that Nika should not to be done in Shawwal..
I am tense now to read tht..what shd I do now
990 Date of Marriage My Nikkah has done. I have followed imamia jantri... 29 shawwal birth date of Hazarat Abu Talib A.s. as good day..
after that I read in other jantri/ book that 29 shawwal is bad day for it true..
Further I have read Hadees that Nika should not to be done in Shawwal..
I am tense now to read tht..what shd I do now
991 Date of Marriage My Nikkah has done. I have followed imamia jantri... 29 shawwal birth date of Hazarat Abu Talib A.s. as good day..
after that I read in other jantri/ book that 29 shawwal is bad day for it true..
Further I have read Hadees that Nika should not to be done in Shawwal..
I am tense now to read tht..what shd I do now
992 Date of Marriage My Nikkah has done. I have followed imamia jantri... 29 shawwal birth date of Hazarat Abu Talib A.s. as good day..
after that I read in other jantri/ book that 29 shawwal is bad day for it true..
Further I have read Hadees that Nika should not to be done in Shawwal..
I am tense now to read tht..what shd I do now
993 Date of Marriage My Nikkah has done. I have followed imamia jantri... 29 shawwal birth date of Hazarat Abu Talib A.s. as good day..
after that I read in other jantri/ book that 29 shawwal is bad day for it true..
Further I have read Hadees that Nika should not to be done in Shawwal..
I am tense now to read tht..what shd I do now
1045 marrying a spiritual girl Salam,

I am a muslim man wanting to marry a non muslim spiritual girl.

The girl believes in one god only , and do know and believe that god send messengers and holy books, also believes in fate, and hell, heaven and resurrection, but she dosen't follow any religion, she is just more of a reader for different religions.

She is willing to say Shahada at the time of marriage, but mianly for the sake of marriage, not truly believing in islam and entering it, though she dosen't have any thing against islam, she's just not into following religions.

Would my marriage be valid?, do we have other options like civil marriage ?.

1051 Civil marriage ceremony Assal-ahlaykim, I am a Muslim girl living in Australia and I am planning to marry a man who has converted to Islam with my parents blessing. We are obviously going to be married the Islamic way but the issue is his family are not Muslims and they are suggesting after we are married the Islamic way that they would also love to have a civil marriage ceremony for us in front of their friends and family. This ceremony is just their tradition that they would like to have for their side and has no religious meaning to it, it would simply just mean we would be married by law. I am opened to the idea and would love to do this to show respect for their traditions but I'm wondering if this is ok in Islam?
1075 Question about Istekhara Salaam:

My parents asked a maulana to perform istekhara for my nikah. My father, mother, me and the boy's family were all ready for the nikah to go ahead, but the istekhara came "no".

Is it permissible to repeat the istekhara for this marriage one more time by another alim?

1085 Polygamy According to all Shia marja, is it permissible for a man to marry a second Muslim wife without his first wife's consent, even if this is out of lust?(meaning, there is no necessity for it, unlike marrying widows or orphan women who have no other man available for them)
1101 Regarding Day Assalammu alaikum, I am going to get married on 31 May 2015. Is this day ok because card has been distributed and every thing is done , Please reply
1108 Marriage Salam Alekum,

I have a question regarding my marriage. I had a sexual relationship with my wife before marriage than we got married. Is our marriage consider to be halal or haram.
Please reply to this question.
1117 Nikkah I am shia ithna asheri and follower of Agha Sistani, Is it permissible to marry a sunni girl in such a way that nikkah is recited by sunni scholar and performed according to sunni ways?
1130 Marriage requirements Assalamu Alaikum,

I have a question in regards to marriage. I recently reverted to Islam and have been seeing my partner for some time who is also a Muslim. It's come to my attention that what we are doing could be wrong. I see him every week. We do not live together at present due to some unfortunate circumstance that have arisen. I do not want to live in sin. He is the man that I wish to marry. He has spoken to an Imam where is currently is located and they have suggested that we could get married Islamically. I am not sure how this works when I firstly do not have an Islamic family and we cannot both visit a mosque again due to circumstances. What can we do in the meantime to make sure that me visiting him weekly isn't a sin whatsoever.

Thank you so much.
1177 Nikah vs Rukhsati Assalam-o-alaikum,

Alhamdulillah I had my nikah performed in the beginning of this year with my cousin who lives in a foreign country, without any conditions and with consent of all parties involved. Due to some financial and other personal considerations, we have mutually decided to defer the Rukhsati till end of next year. (Rukhsati is a custom in the Indo-Pak subcontinent which marks the point from which the girl leaves her parent's house to live with the husband permanently; the event in itself has got no connection or bearing to the nikah itself) Hence, as of now, even though I have shown my interest to do so if my wife wants, I am bearing no expense of her sustenance as we are not living together. But in order to keep our relationship well and thriving, we have decided to meet at least twice a year.
Understandably, she would live at my place when she is here for a visit. I live in my parent's house along with them and thus, asked for their permission. They have no qualms about her staying here, as she has been my cousin so no major social hitches there. But they are completely opposed to the idea of us being alone in one room as we haven't had our "rukhsati" performed. I have tried to make them understand that rukhsati is a cultural event and we have been married in the eyes of Allah and people (as we have announced it publicly). I have further explained to them that our privacy is important, as being husband and wives, there are many things we need to discuss about ourselves for which we need time and privacy without the fear of someone overhearing as all of it would be highly personal and intimate. And that too I ask just in the jurisdiction of our own home as only my parents and brothers would know that we are having such privacy. But they have failed to understand it so I seek guidance as to what to do. My wife and I need to have such intimacy as it is a long-distance relationship, and we only communicate by writing messages which I fear are easily misunderstood and causes problems in us. So we both agree that we need it badly now. Please guide.
In the end, I would also request you to answer this general question:
Do the parents of the son/daughter have the right to stop the couple being together and/or alone after their nikah?

Thank You.
1178 Nikah vs Rukhsati Assalam-o-alaikum,

It has been one year since I had my Nikah performed. Since I have yet to be settled and get us a bigger house where we could live with my family, it was mutually agreed that the rukhsati would take place after some years. Hence, me and my wife dont live together as meet occasionally due to us living in different cities. As a result, we do not get enough time together which I fear is putting a strain on our relationship; so i try to spend as much tie with her as possible when she is with me.
This year, me and my family plan to go to ziaraat and I want my wife to be with us as it is my belief, doing so would strengthen our relationship. But my family does not want us to have a separate room, due to the fact that we have just been nikkah-ed and have not yet had our rukhsati. I tried to explain to them that being together would be good for our foundation and not being able to do sounder such societal constrictions would further deteriorate our already strained, delicate and fragile relationship. But they are more concerned as to the cultural stigma of being together without rukhsati, that they are restricting our rights as husband and wife by virtue of religion.
My wife really wants us to be together as we are religiously legal. So in short, it is between my parents or wife. I could only please one of the two.
Kindly advise. and if possible, also please provide some religious references that could help me convince my parents.
1179 Marriage between two eid There are a lot of people saying that getting married between the two eids is not good for example the marriage will not be successful. I want to know if this is true, if our imams or prophets believed/practiced this?
1182 Sunnah Prayer After Marriage Is there a special dua that the bride should recite after/while doing the sunnah prayer on the first night of marriage?
or groom and bride can they do the prayer together groom being the Imam?
1229 request for information Salaam
I would appreciate if I can talk to someone or have some resources to read or watch regarding having discussion with adult children why Muslim shia has to marry to Muslim Shia or at least muslims.

If they decide to marry to non-muslims like christian or Bahaeis who do not have any intentions to become muslims, what kind of conversation should we have and how to respond.

Thanks yo for your time and help.
Z karim
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