Pearl of Wisdom

'The person who wakes up in the morning and retires at night having worldly affairs as his greatest concern, Allah places poverty between his eyes, scatters his affairs, and he will not take from this world except what Allah has apportioned for him. As for the one who wakes up in the morning and retires at night having the Hereafter as his greatest concern, Allah places needlessness in his heart and brings together his affairs for him.?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 319, no. 15

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View Questions Within Medical Issues
# Subject Question Status
361 types of blood Sometimes I see blood mixed with the saliva of my mouth. It often happens when I brush my teeth. What is the ruling on this kind of blood?
256 terminating a birth, please help I am a pregnant woman. Considering that I am physically unfit and afraid of the adverse affect on my already existing anemia, dyspepsia and general weakness, I prefer to terminate my pregnancy. What is the sharī ruling concerning my problem?
257 transplant of animal organs Is it allowed to transplant animals organs — be it of a religiously non-edible, a religiously edible or inherently najis animal — into a human body?
264 artificial limb requirements One of my legs has been amputated; when I wear the artificial leg, it injures the remaining intact part, of the amputated leg, causing bleeding whose area transgresses the canonical limitation (i.e. greater than a dirham’s area). May I perform my prayers and Hajj like that? Or ought I to remove the prosthetic leg and wash off the wound and perform the prayer / Hajj without the prostheses? What if performing such rituals is unbearably difficult without the assistance of my artificial limb?
280 Use of contraceptives in Islam Use of contraceptives is popular these days. If use of the pill and similar things causes harm or difficulty and the only remaining choice is (the insertion) of some devices by a male or a female doctor which requires exposing the local area, is it permissible for the woman, knowing that pregnancy would cause her harm or difficulty?
369 blood under the nail What is the ruling on the blood trapped under the nail, which is difficult to remove. Is it najis or tahir? If it was najis how should one go about it?
330 emitting sperm for medical purpose In IUI and IVF husband needs to give out his sperms by masturbation, is it allowed if needs for a child???
384 Organ donation Are we allowed to donate our organs upon our death? For example our heart, liver, kidneys?
Is the soul still attached to the body once we are dead, or is that not true?
398 medical pills to help short term If a person - for a temporary cure or killing pain - takes a medicine that significantly advances the time of death, what does Islam say about that?
427 Donating organs As a Muslim, can we A: Donate any organs once announced dead? B: Can we be a recipient of someone else’s organs?
429 is masturbation allowed here? A man cannot impregnate [sterile] and asks the doctor to determine the reason for his sterility through an examination of his sperm. The emission (of such semen) is obtained by the use of an instrument attached to his genitals and, by its movements, causes a discharge. Is this to be considered as masturbation and thus forbidden, or is it allowed for the purpose of the examination? And does it matter whether the patient is in difficulty or is acting out of necessity?
445 doctor requests semen Certain illnesses require that the doctor may request the patient's semen for examination, and discharging it by the shari way is difficult because it must be discharged in the presence of the doctor.
457 male gynecologists with female patients Over here in States most of the gynecologists are male and sometimes it
becomes very difficult to find a good doctor close to home. In States I
have seen many Muslim ladies going to male doctors who deliver their

Can Muslim women go to male gynecologists ?
467 Marijuana as medical aid Marijuana greatly helps people dying of cancer,and is sometimes prescribed by physicians. If Marijuana is used for these kind of medical purposes is it Haraam?

Thank You
641 stammering i have come to know through this web that if i write Surat Bani Israil on a china dish and drink it after washing with clean water...
kindly tell me for how many days i have to do this and will i write with some pen ink or zaafraan????
694 Ramadan Fasting Asalam Alaikum,
When a person cannot fast in ramadan due to taking medication, do they have to make up for the fasts once they are off the medication?
812 cure disease ASA,

May I kindly request which sura's are best known to cure diseases. I can appreciate the high volume of e-mails you recieve but this matter is of a hurried nature. I will be indebted to your kindness if you would respond to this quickly.

813 diabetes please let me know how to restrict my diabetes to a safe level.
thanking you.
943 Delivery Salam
Is it permitted in islam to make delivery of child by a male doctor or a non muslim doctor? (scissor / normal both).
1067 make anus long Who to make my anus long for sex
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