Pearl of Wisdom
'In the battle of Dhat al-Riqa', the Prophet (SAWA) descended under a tree on the side of a valley when a flood came and separated him from his companions. A man from among the polytheists saw him whilst the Muslims were standing on the side of the valley waiting for the flood to subside. One of the polytheists said to his people, 'I will kill Muhammad!' So he came and drew his sword against the Prophet (SAWA), saying, 'Who will save you now from me O Muhammad?!' to which he replied, my Lord and your Lord', upon which [the angel] Gabriel (AS) threw him down from his horse and he fell onto his back. The Prophet (SAWA) then stood up, took the sword and sat on his chest, saying, 'Who will save you now from me, O Ghawrith?' to which he replied, 'Your magnanimity and generosity, O Muhammad' at which he left him. The man stood up, saying, 'By Allah, you are indeed better and nobler than me.'
Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as] al-Kafi, v. 8, p. 127, no. 97 Latest Answers
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