Pearl of Wisdom

'In the battle of Dhat al-Riqa', the Prophet (SAWA) descended under a tree on the side of a valley when a flood came and separated him from his companions. A man from among the polytheists saw him whilst the Muslims were standing on the side of the valley waiting for the flood to subside. One of the polytheists said to his people, 'I will kill Muhammad!' So he came and drew his sword against the Prophet (SAWA), saying, 'Who will save you now from me O Muhammad?!' to which he replied, my Lord and your Lord', upon which [the angel] Gabriel (AS) threw him down from his horse and he fell onto his back. The Prophet (SAWA) then stood up, took the sword and sat on his chest, saying, 'Who will save you now from me, O Ghawrith?' to which he replied, 'Your magnanimity and generosity, O Muhammad' at which he left him. The man stood up, saying, 'By Allah, you are indeed better and nobler than me.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 8, p. 127, no. 97

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# Subject Question Status
1281 Interpretation of Istekhara As Salam Alekum. I had taken Istekharas for four different questions and got the following responses:
1295 Use of Audio and translation Assalam u Alaikum,
I want to ask if I can use the audio and translation in youtube videos?
1298 Copyright protected Assalamualaikum
Can you please advise if it is ok to download Zain Bikhas and others nasheeds and save them on usbs to distribute among students as gifts? I am concerned about these nasheeds being copyright protected.
1277 Emission of diseases Assalam o alaikum, I was reading the contributions of Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) to science, and came across this;
Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S) has said that patients suffering from certain diseases emit special types of rays. If these rays fall upon a healthy person, they are apt to make him sick.
Can you please elaborate on this, or recommend some reading material that explains it more in depth.



1288 Worship Asalamalaikum
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (A.S) said :
"He who claims that he knows God due to the imprint of the heart is
polytheist. He who claims that knows God by name, not meaning, is
declaring the contrary, because the name is new (created). He who claims
that he worships the name and the meaning is associating others with God.
He who claims that he worships the meaning by the description, not
realization, is referring to something absent. He who claims that he worships
the description and the described is nullifying God’s oneness because
description is something other than the described. He who claims that he
adds the described to the description is belittling the great. They have no
true respect of God. "
‘What is the course to the true believing in God’s oneness, then?’ some asked. He
(peace be upon him) said:
"The door of search is opened and the pursuit of the exit is existing. The
knowledge of the present should precede his description while the knowledge
of the description of the absent should precede the knowledge of him"
My question is how should we truly know or should we truly worship GOD then
Reference: Tuhaf al Uqoul
1425 Usury/Sood Upto what extent Usury/Interest/Sood is forbidden in shariah? It is said that the person who takes Usury, one should not even cross from the shadow of his house! Is it true? What are the forms of Usury, please exemplify those forms! Are the prize bonds from banks and betting/gambling forms of Usury?
2155 Over sleeping As Salaam Alaikum,

I am a 25 year old male who has been facing problems in life due to over sleeping.

It has been an issue from the times of my high school. From being late to Work and University upto missing important meetings and tasks which are to be done, I am really fed up with it. If I am not setting an alarm, I can go to sleep for more than 12 hours, which really disturbs my routine. Even if I have the alarm switched on, I dismiss it and go to sleep as long as 12-13 hours of sleep have been completed.

Please advise what should I do to overcome the issue of over sleeping? Do I have to meet a psychiatrist?

JazakAllah Khair
2154 Fajr prayer page title I think you shhould make it "Fajr"

Conducting Farj Prayers
The Fajr prayer is the first of the five daily prayers recited, and it requires two raka'ah.

PS I use your site all the time. Let me know how to make a donation - instructions on the Web din't let me send $$
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