Pearl of Wisdom

'He who uses his intellect is content.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 7724

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# Subject Question Status
139 playing chess in Islam, Sistani Could you provide an explanation or the basis of the absolute prohibition of playing chess, according to Sayyed Sistani?
161 angels who write our deeds The two angels who are ordained to scribe our deeds, both good and evil.

The question is, do they only write what we do (as an 'amal) or do they also write down what our intentions are?
171 enquiry about qasam / oath salam aleikum

My question is regarding qasam. I have made a qasam a few years ago but now I really regret having made it and I would like to "cancel" it since I find it inconvenient. Im able to fulfill it but it prevents me from doing something which I really enjoy. Is there any way possible to cancel it? I know if my father forbids it then it will be cancelled but my father is a non muslim and would not understand. Is there an alternative to that? I didnt think thoroughly before making the qasam nor was I fully aware of the rules relating to qasam. I made it thinking that it was in my benefit. To be more precise, I made a qasam that I would go to sleep by 2:00 am so that I may wake up for fajr prayer. However sometimes the majalis in husseiniyyas may go beyond 2:00 am which is what I meant by the qasam being inconvenient. I only thought about the salat aspect of the qasam without thinking of the limitations that it would have. Also, sometimes sunrise may be at around 5:00 am which means that if I sleep say at 1:30am and sleep for 4 hours then fulfilling the qasam would be of no benefit unless I sleep much before 2:00 am my limit. Is there any way for me to cancel my qasam or does a qasam become wajib on a person forever?

thank you
180 what does the 5 rules mean? What does Halal, haram, makroh and etc - those 5 rules all mean in English?
362 Mosque and black cloth Is it permissible to drape a mosque with black cloths?
196 arabic islamic media site? S.a. I am looking for media in arabic with english subtitles e.g the mukhtar series or ghareeb toos. any suggestions where i can get them from? And lectures in classical arabic on VIDEO not audio. I'd like to enhance my arabic language skills and gain islamic knowledge as well.
215 under black magic I have been told that I am under Black Magic.
I feel that my mind is blocked and I cannot think and concentrate deeply. Also, I cannot think constructively which is destroying my professional and personal life. Kindly suggest me duas / amaal which I can do to come out of this painful trauma.
239 conditions for slaughtering of an animal What are the conditions for slaughtering of an animal?
242 rules of moon sighting What is the proof of sighting the moon?
265 bullfights and cock fighting in Islam Are bullfights (tauromachy) and cockfights allowed?
276 buying a statue of naken man Is it permissible to buy a carving or statue of a totally naked human being, male or female? Is it permissible to buy a carving or statue of an animal and hang it for decoration?
316 wearing silver rings but without a gemstone is there any reward for wearing silver rings but without a gemstone?
349 having nightmares I am getting bad dreams during sleep , like i am naked , seeing vast oceans and rivers , money , death etc.
379 games of dice, allowed? Some permissible games use dice in them. So is it allowed to play with it?
385 Time of mid-night How can we know the time of mid-night? Do 00.00 hours the point of mid-night as it is commonly held by some people?
388 validity of an oath What are the conditions for validity of an oath?
414 Govt blocking sites salam alaikum,
i m frm oman n govt over here hav blocked some sites eg skype n internet phone calls sites.but if v use site crackers v can use those sites so is it alowed 2 use.
415 Buying on Ashura Salamu alaykum,

In regards to Ashura, is it prohibited to purchase anything new? If so, what do we define as "new" (i.e. necessary vs. luxury). Also, can you please point out the source/reference to where this issue can be supported. Much thanks.
416 Wearing black cloths in Muharram Is this obligatory to wear black clothes during Muharram n if we r not wearing so are we getting gunah
419 keeping a pet dog Is it permissible to keep a dog? If not, why?
And If a dog licks my body or clothes, how should I purify it?
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