Pearl of Wisdom

'Eating anything and everything that one desires is wasting.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 7366

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View Questions Within Sale / Purchase
# Subject Question Status
159 property investment in Islam What is the most common view on property investment, which is correct?

Sorry if vague, looking for a general answer though. Thank you
356 paying less then advertised If a you used to take the bus and there was a specific amount of money that the driver would ask for but instead of paying that amount of money you used to secretly pay less is there something that you should do?

Also if there were bus tickets purchased and on the those tickets it gives a specific age that the person can use this until but what if you went over that age limit and used it is there something that you should dokaffara etc..?
293 buying and selling pork Can a Muslim buy or sell wine or pork to non-Muslims? What is the fatwa on the income one gets by doing such a job?
393 to tell or not tell? I know a muslim person who is cheating the government through dole payments and similar.

Is it good for me to inform the govt. or shouldn't I?
413 Selling greater than cost Salaam. Is it haraam to sell a thing more expensive than you've bought it. For exaple if i buy a jacket for 8 dollars and then decides to sell it do i hve to sell it for the exact amount that i purchased it or can i sell it for like 10 dollars.
439 Buying and Selling shares What is the ruling of buying and selling the shares of incorporated companies or others?
1056 Sheikh Muhammad Siddiq Al-Mins Assalamualaikum,

I would like to know where can i buy the complete quran recitation by Sheikh Muhammad Siddiq Al-Minshawi with a Young Boy. Thank You
758 Jailbreaking and cracked apps Salam i would like to know the ruling on downloading cracked apps, which are paid apps you get for free through downloading over the internet, according to Ayatullah Khamenei and Ayatullah Sistani

Thank you
833 Video of Imam Ali How can I get the full video of Shaheed-e-Kufa Hazrat Ali (AS). I want a good copy of this video.
973 work and dress Al Salam Alakium. Im currently living in Denmark. I work in a grocery store which sells pork and alcohol. Is it permissible for me to sell those things as a cashier? And another question. Is it permissible for me to fill goods such as pork and alcohol in the shop?

And a question for dress: is it allowed for me to walk without a t shirt, nothing covering my upper body in public?

Best regards
1217 Buying a house or car Salam,
I live in west and want to buy a house and a car. I want to know the fatwa of Al-Sistani (r.a) according to leasing or loan because then I have to pay back with interest (sood), so Is it permissible for me?

Thanking you,
Syeda Subika Rizvi.
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