Pearl of Wisdom

'Clean your houses of cobwebs, for leaving them in the house brings about poverty.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Wasa'il al-Shi'a, v. 3, p. 575, no. 2

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The Holy Qur'an » Facts and Miracles » Dirtiness and Nastiness
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In the Quran, the words dirtiness (rics) and nastiness (ricz) have almost similar pronunciation and spelling: the word “rics” refers to dirtiness brought by human hand and the word “ricz” refers to nastiness caused by the dirtiness generated by human hand. These two words are used 10 times in order to show the relation between them. The two verses given below are examples of these words used in the Quran:

33- …God desires to remove all dirtiness from you…
                                                               33. The Parties, 33

5- For sake from nastiness.
                                                              74. The Hidden Secret, 5

The word Number of occurrence
Dirtiness 10
Nastiness 10
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