Pearl of Wisdom

'If the ignorant Ones had kept silent, men would not have differed.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 81, no. 75

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The Holy Qur'an » Facts and Miracles » Thamud and The Noise
Thamud and The Noise E-mail

 From the Quran, we learn that the Thamud society had been destroyed by a noise (sahya) sent upon them. By this definition, we learn that there is a relationship between the words “Thamud” and the “noise” (sahya). These words which are presented as related; Thamud is used 26 times, and the word “noise” (sahya) is used 13 times, half as much. In the verses between 23 and 31 of the sura Moon, the Quran speaks of the destruction of the Thamud by a noise. In the 31st verse, it is mentioned that Thamud was destroyed by a noise.

31- We sent a noise upon them, whereupon they became like harvested hey.
                                                                                                     54. The Moon, 31

The word Number of occurrence
Thamud 26(13X2)
Noise 13
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