Pearl of Wisdom

'Verily when Moses, son of Amran (AS) would engage in intimate supplication with his Lord, he said, my Lord, are you so far from me that I should call You, or are You so near to me that I should whisper?' so Allah then revealed to Moses, 'Is it in close proximity with the one who remembers Me.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. v. 93, p. 153, no. 11

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The Holy Qur'an » Facts and Miracles » Adam and Jesus
Adam and Jesus E-mail

 The 59th verse of the sura The Family of Imran, points to a similarity between Adam and Jesus. There is no other comparison like that between any other two prophets in the Quran. How many times are these prophets’ names used in the Quran? In equal number, exactly 25 time each. The verse that points to the similarity between Jesus and Adam is given below:

59- For God the likeness of Jesus is as that of Adam  whom he created out of dust, then said to him “Be”, and he was.
                                                                                 3. The Family of Imran, 59

The word Number of occurrence
Adam 25
Jesus 25

Some people declare Jesus incarnation of God as he was created without a father in total disregard of the omnipotence of God. God gives Adam as an example, since he was created both without father and mother. By doing so, God shows how illogical it is to attribute to Jesus divine qualifications. God, while referring to the similarity between Adam and Jesus, also supports this statement with numerical miracles using both names 25 times each in the Quran. The mathematical miracle is not limited to this alone. Let’s examine the table below: 

From the beginning ADAM JESUS  From the end
Sura number Verse number Sura number Verse number
1 2   2   25
2 2   2   24
3 2   2   23
4 2   3   22
5 2   3   21
6 3   3   20
7 3   3   19
8 5   3   18
9 7   4   17
10 7   4   16
11 7   4   15
12 7   5   14
13 7   5   13
14 7   5   12
15 7   5   11
16 17   5   10
17 17   5   9
18 18   6   8
19 19   19   7
20 20   33   6
21 20   42   5
22 20   43   4
23 20   57   3
24 20   61   2
25 36   61   1

It is the 59th verse of The Family of Imran, that points out the relation between Adam and Jesus. It is the only verse in which these two names are mentioned together. In this verse, both these two words are used 7th time, from the beginning of the Quran. On the other hand, if we count from the end of the Quran, it is in this verse that these words are used 19th time. (This is an example how the 19 miracle and the mathematical miracle in lexical concordance are used together)

And very surprisingly, these words’ 19th uses are in the sura Mary which is the 19th sura of the Quran. These two names are used only once in the sura Mary and these uses are the 19th repetition of these words in the Quran.

The number of the verses between these two words in the sura Mary is also interesting. The word Jesus is used in 34th verse of the sura Mary and the word Adam is used in the 58th verse. If we start to count from the 34th verse, the 58th verse is the 25th verse. And 25 is the frequency these two words are used in the Quran.

We want to present another interesting point. In this sura (Mary), which talks about Jesus, Mary, is also mentioned. The number of this verse is 34. Make a guess. How many times the word Mary is used in the Quran? Exactly 34 times. The verse is given below:

34- This was Jesus, son of Mary: A true account they contend about.
                                                                                             19. Mary, 34

Verse number Number
34 1
35 2
36 3
37 4
38 5
39 6
40 7
41 8
42 9
43 10
44 11
45 12
46 13
47 14
48 15
49 16
50 17
51 18
52 19
53 20
54 21
55 22
56 23
57 24
58 25
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