Pearl of Wisdom

Be on your guard that the extremists do not corrupt your youth, for verily the extremists are the most evil of Allah's creation for they belittle the Greatness of Allah, and falsely attribute divinity to the servants of Allah. The extremist may return to us but we do not accept him again, whereas we do accept he who is incapable when he tries to adhere to us. At this, he was asked, 'How can that be O son of the Prophet (SAWA)?' to which he replied, 'Because the extremist has become accustomed to abandoning the prayer, the alms-tax, fasting, the pilgrimage, and cannot give up his habit and return to Allah's obedience ever again, whereas he who is incapable, when he attains inner knowledge, begins to act and carry out acts of obedience.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Amali al-Tusi, p. 650, no. 1349

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"Abasing (one party), exalting (the other)" (Quran, 56:3).

Some scholars say that both Attributes al-Khafid and al-Rafi` ought to be used simultaneously.
If applied to our Islamic creed, both Attributes connote misguidance and guidance respectively. If applied to knowledge or obedience to Allah, they imply the highest and the lowest of ranks respectively; it is in this sense that they occur in this verse: "Abasing (one party), exalting (the other)" (Quran, 56:3), meaning abasing the unbelievers who occupy the lowest ranks of hell while exalting the believers to the highest ranks of Paradise.

Allah has said, "And be kind to him who follows you from among the believers" (Quran, 26:215). Khafd is the opposite of raf`: the first implies vanquishing, lowering the status of, abasing, insulting, and humiliating. The Hour is sometimes described as such in 56:3: "Abasing (one party), exalting (the other)" (Quran, 56:3), meaning abasing some people because of their transgression, hurling them into the pit of hellfire. In Surat al-Hijr, we read more about the khafd: "... be kind to the believers" (Quran, 15:88), and in Surat al-Isra' we read: "Be submissively gentle to them, compassionate" (Quran, 17:24).

Al-Khafid is the One Who humiliates the oppressors and tyrants, lowering their ranks and insulting them. He abases at will. Al-Khafid is the One Who lowers, through humiliation, all those who think of themselves as being great, the arrogant and the conceited. He lowers entire nations. He lowers falsehood.
Al-Khafid is the One Who lowers the rank of all those who disobey Him, Who humiliates those upon whom His wrath descends, who lowers the ranks of those who deserve to be treated as such. He humiliates the unbelievers by exposing them to misery, His foes by distancing them from Him, and by exposing them to perdition.

Al-Khafid is the One Who has lowered the status of those who do not believe in Him, of those who are arrogant, of the liars, and of those who swerve away from His Path, the Path of Islam, and His final Word of truth.
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