Pearl of Wisdom
when a Jew asked him about the reason for him being called Muhammad, Alfmad, Abu al-Qasim, Bashir, Nadhir, and Da'i he replied, 'As for Muhammad, Iam praised [mapmild] in this earth, and Alfmad is that I am praised in the Heaven. As for Abu al-Qasim, Allah will divide the Day of Resurrection into two parts; the part (qis ma) of Hell, and those who disbelieve in me from among the first ones to the last ones will be in the Hellfire; and the part of Heaven, and whoever believes in me from among the first ones to the last ones, and has acknowledged my prophethood will be in Heaven. AI-Da'![the caller] is that I call people to the religion of my Lord Almighty. AlNadhir [the warner] is that I warn people who disobey me about the Hellfire. Al-Bashir [bringer of good news] is that I bring the good news of Heaven to those who obey me.'
Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa] Ma 'ani al-Akhbar, p. 52, no. 2 Our PartnersReceive Qul Updates |
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