Pearl of Wisdom

'Reflect, O Mufaddal, upon the actions that have been designated for mankind such as eating and sleeping... if man were to have to go to sleep while having to think about relaxing his body and reviving his powers, he would probably find it burdensome and turn away [from sleeping], and refuse himself [sleep] till his body would wear out and waste away.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Ibid. p. 78

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Patience reveals whatever light and purity there is in the innermost being of Allah's servants, while anxiety shows up the darkness and bereftness inside them. Everyone claims to be patient, but only the humble are firm in it. Everyone denies his anxiety, although it is quite obvious in a hypocrite because the onset of trials and afflictions tells you who is truthful and who is a liar.

Patience is a sensation that continuously prevails in one's consciousness, but what occurs upon a sudden upset cannot be called patience. Anxiety is what disturbs the heart and brings the person sorrow, changing his complexion and his state. Every event whose beginnings are without humility, repentance, and humble supplication to Allah comes from someone who is anxious, not someone who is patient. The beginning of patience is bitter, but its end is sweet for some people; but for others both its beginning and end are bitter. Whoever enters it at its end has entered it. Whoever enters it from its beginning has left it. A person who knows the value of patience cannot bear to be without it.

In the story of Moses and Khidr Allah said,

How can you have patience in that of which you have no comprehensive knowledge? (18:68)

Whoever is unwillingly patient, who does not complain to people and does not become anxious when his veil is rent, is counted among the common people. His share is as Allah said,

Give good news to the patient, (2:155)

That is, good news of the Garden and forgiveness. Whoever meets affliction with an open heart, showing patience with tranquility and dignity, is counted among the elite and his portion is as Allah said,

Surely Allah is with the patient. (8:46)

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