Pearl of Wisdom

'Whenever a tradition from the household of Muhammad peace be upon them all is transmitted to you, towards which your hearts lean and it seems familiar to you, accept it. And whatever your hearts resent and you reject, then refer it back to Allah and the Prophet and the scholar from the household of Muhammad (SAWA).'

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as]
Basa'ir al-Darajat, p. 21, no. 1

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Contentment is when a person is content with what he loves and what he hates; it is a ray of the light of gnosis. He who is content is annihilated to all his choices; he is really the one with whom Allah is content. Contentment is a name which contains the meanings of servitude, and maybe described as the joy of the heart.

I heard my father, Muhammad al-Baqir, say, 'To attach the heart to what is present is association (shirk), and to what is not there is disbelief (kufr): these are the wings of heedlessness.' I am amazed at anyone who claims to be a slave to Allah and then contends with Him over His decrees. Content gnostics ('arifin) are far from being like that.'

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