Pearl of Wisdom
my father used to say, 'When you intend to do a good thing, then hasten to undertake it for you do not know what will happen.'
Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as] al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 142, no. 3
Taking and Giving |
A person who prefers taking to giving is deluded, because in his heedlessness he thinks that what is now is better than what is to come. It behooves the believer, when he takes something, that he should take it rightfully. If he gives, it should be for a right purpose, in a right way, and from his rightful possessions. How many a taker gives up his faith, but he is not aware of that! How many a giver brings down on himself the wrath of Allah! The matter is not just a question of taking and giving, however; rather he is saved who fears Allah when taking and giving, and who holds tight to the rope of righteousness. In this regard people are of two types: the elite and the common. The elite considers with painstaking caution and does not take until he is certain that it is permissible. If it is unclear to him, he will only take when it is absolutely necessary. The common man considers only the outward form: he takes whatever he does not find to be stolen or extorted, and says, 'There is no harm in this: it is permissible for me.' Here the matter is clear, and he takes it by the judgement of Almighty Allah and spends it in His pleasure.