Pearl of Wisdom

'Goodness does not lie in the increase of your wealth and of your progeny, rather goodness lies in the increase of your knowledge, and the heightening of your clemency, and in your vying with other people in the worship of Allah. If you do good then you should praise Allah, but if you commit evil then seek forgiveness from Allah.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 94

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Behaving correctly with Almighty Allah's creation without disobedience to Him comes from Allah's increased favour to His bondsmen. Whoever is humble to Allah in his heart behaves well openly.

Keep company with people for the sake of Allah, not for your portion of something which belongs to this world or to seek position or for showing off or to increase your own reputation.

Do not cross the limits of the Law for the sake of eminence and fame: they will not profit you at all, and you will miss the next world without gaining any benefit.

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