Pearl of Wisdom

'Allah Almighty has said, 'By My Might and Exaltedness, My Inheritance Greatness and Loftiness, and by My High Status, no sooner does a servant prefer My desire over his own desire than I will suffice him in his losses, I will guarantee his sustenance upon the Heavens and the earth, and I will be for him behind every transaction of every trader.'

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as]
Ibid. v. 2, p. 137, no. 1

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Library » The Lantern of the Path » A Description of this World
A Description of this World E-mail

This world is like a body whose head is pride, whose eyes are avarice, whose ears are greed, whose tongue is dissimulation, whose hand is desire, whose legs are vanity, whose heart is heedlessness, whose being is annihilation, and whose product is extinction.

It brings pride to whoever loves it, avarice to whoever prefers it, greed to whoever seeks it, and cloaks with hypocrisy whoever praises it. It gives vain power over whoever desires it; it leads to heedlessness in the person who relies on it. It seduces whoever admires its goods, but those goods do not last for him. It returns the person who gathers it and is miserly with it to its own abode, which is the Fire.

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