Pearl of Wisdom

'And if you cannot avoid partisanship, then let your partisanship be for virtuous qualities, Praiseworthy acts, and admirable matters with which the dignified and noble chiefs of the Arab households and the notables of the tribes distinguished themselves, such as attractive manners, great ambitions, momentous positions, and Praiseworthy feats. So be partisans of Praiseworthy characteristics like protection of one's neighbour, fulfilment of rights, obedience of good people, opposition to the haughty, adoption of virtue, abstention from intimidating others, shunning bloodshed, doing justice to people, suppressing anger, and avoiding corruption in the land.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, no. 192

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In condemnation of treason E-mail
Sermon 41 In condemnation of treason

O' people! Surely fulfilment of pledge is the twin of truth. I do not know a better shield (against the assaults of sin) than it. One who realises the reality of return (to the next world) never betrays. We are in a period when most of the people regard betrayal as wisdom. In these days the ignorants call it excellence of cunning. What is the matter with them? Allah may destroy them. One who has been through thick and thin of life finds the excuses to be preventing him from orders and prohibitions of Allah but he disregards them despite capability (to succumb to them and follows the commands of Allah), while one who has no restraints of religion seizes the opportunity (and accepts the excuses for not following the commands of Allah).


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