Pearl of Wisdom
'He whose daily bread is earned through his own toil and labour will pass across the flash oflightning.'
Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa] Jdmi'al-Akhbar, p. 390, no. 1085
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Admixture of right and wrong |
Sermon 50 Admixture of right and wrong
The basis of the occurrence of evils are those desires which are acted upon and the orders that are innovated. They are against the Book of Allah. People co-operate with each other about them even though it is against the Religion of Allah. If wrong had been pure and unmixed it would not be hidden from those who are in search of it. And if right had been pure without admixture of wrong those who bear hatred towards it would have been silenced. What is, however, done is that something is taken from here and something from there and the two are mixed! At this stage Satan overpowers his friends and they alone escape for whom virtue has been apportioned by Allah from before.