Pearl of Wisdom

'When one of you takes a brother, he must ask him his name, his father's name, his tribe and his address. This is part of true brotherhood; otherwise it is a foolish amity.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 74, p. 166, no. 30

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Library » Nahj ul Balagha » Sermons » About the Angel of Death and depart of spirit
About the Angel of Death and depart of spirit E-mail
Sermon 111 About the Angel of Death and depart of spirit

Do you feel when the Angel of Death enters a house, or do you see him when he takes out life of anyone? How does he take out the life of an embryo in the womb of his mother? Does he reach it through any part of her body or the spirit responded to his call with the permission of Allah? Or does he stay with him in the mother's interior? How can he who is unable to describe a creature like this, describe Allah?

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