Pearl of Wisdom

'I went to Humay da, to condole her for the death of Abu 'Abdillah (AS) [i.e. Imam al-Sadiq], so she cried and said, ?O Abu Muhammad, if you saw him as death came upon him, he placed his hand over one eye and said, 'Call my relatives and my friends to come to me.' When everyone had gathered around him, he said, 'Verily our intercession will not avail one who takes his prayer lightly.'

Abu Basir
Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, v. 3, p. 25, no. 2923

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About this world and on innovation (bid`ah) E-mail
Sermon 144 About this world and on innovation (bid`ah)

O' people, you are, in this world, the target for the arrows of death. With every drinking there is choking and with every eating there is suffocation. You do not get any benefit in it except by foregoing another (benefit) and no one among you advances in age by a day except by the taking away of a day from his life. Nothing more is added to his eating unless it reduces what was there before. No mark appears for him unless a mark disappears. Nothing new comes into being unless the new becomes old. No new crop comes up unless a crop has been reaped. Those roots are gone whose off-shoots we are. How can an off-shoot live after the departure of its root?

No innovation is introduced unless one sunnah is forsaken, keep away from innovations and stick to the broad road. Surely the old tested ways are the best and the innovated ones are bad.


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