Pearl of Wisdom

my father was one who remembered [Allah] a lot. When I walked with him, he would be in constant remembrance of Allah. When I ate food with him, he would be in constant remembrance of Allah. He would be speaking to people but that did not preoccupy him from remembering Allah. I would notice his tongue stick to his palate, uttering, 'There is no god but Allah.' He used to gather us and command us to remember Allah until the sun rose, and he would command whoever could read from among us to read the Qur'an, and whoever could not, to remember Allah.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 499, no. 1

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Sermon 147 About Talhah and az-Zubayr and the people of Basrah

Both of these two (Talhah and az-Zubayr) wishes the Caliphate for himself, and is drawing towards himself as against the other fellow. They do not employ any connection for getting access to Allah nor proceed towards Him through any means. Both of them bear malice against the other. Shortly his veil over it will be uncovered. By Allah, if they achieve what they aim at, one of them will kill the other, and one will finish the other. The rebellious party has stood up. Where are the seekers of virtue; for the paths have already been determined and they have been given the news. For every misguidance there is a cause and for every break of pledge there is a misrepresentation. By Allah, I shall not be like him who listens to the voice of mourning, hears the man who brings news of death and also visits the mourner yet does not take lesson.

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