Pearl of Wisdom

from Asma' bint Yazid al-Ansari that she went to the Prophet (SAWA) whilst he was with his companions, and said, may my mother and father be ransomed for you! I come to you representing women, and know may my soul be sacrificed for you that there is no woman that exists in the east or the west who does not agree with me if she was to hear of my visit to you. Allah sent you with the truth to men and women, so we believed in you and in your God who sent you. We women are restricted and limited, confined to your [men's] houses, fulfillers of your desires, bearers of your children, and you men are superior to us because of the Friday and congregational prayers, visiting the sick, participating in burials, pilgrimage after pilgrimage, and better than all that, fighting (jihad) in the path of Allah. When a man from among you goes for the obligatory or voluntary pilgrimage, or is stationed away from home, we protect your property for you, sew your clothes, bring up your children, so what do we share with The Prophet (SAWA) turned his whole face to his companions and said, 'Have you ever heard a woman speaking better than she has in her asking about her religion?' They said, ?O Messenger of Allah, we did not think that a woman could be so guided like this!' The Prophet (SAWA) then turned towards her and said, 'Leave, O woman, and inform the women after you that for one of you to be a good spouse to her husband, her seeking his satisfaction and her following of what he approves is equivalent to all that you mentioned.' So the woman left, saying: 'There is no god but Allah (la ilaha illallah) and aggrandizing Allah (Allahu Akbar) with happiness.'

al-Durr al-Manthur, v. 2, p. 518

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Sermon 158 Good behaviour with people and ignoring their faults

I lived as a good neighbour to you and tried my best to look after you, and I freed you from the snare of humbleness and the fetters of oppression through my gratefulness for the little good (from your side) and closed my eyes to your many misdeeds which my eyes had observed and my body had witnessed.

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