Pearl of Wisdom

to Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn (AS), 'Speak the truth, and do good deeds to secure a good reward, and be adversaries to the oppressor and aiders of the

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. v. 100, p. 90, no. 75

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Sermon 218 Qualities of the God-fearing and the pious

He (the believer) kept his mind alive and killed (the desires of) hisheart till his body became thin, his bulk turned light and an effulgenceof extreme brightness shone for him. It lighted the way for him andtook him on the (right) path. Different doors led him to the door ofsafety and the place of (his permanent) stay. His feet, balancing hisbody became fixed in the position of safety and comfort, because hekept his heart (in good acts) and pleased his Allah.

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