Pearl of Wisdom

Undertake yourselves to trading, for there lies therein your independence from what others possess, and verily Allah, Mighty and Exalted, loves the trustworthy servant who is engaged in a profession.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
al-Khisal, p. 621, no. 10

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Library » Nahj ul Balagha » Letters » A letter to a commissioner of a province. It could not be ascertained as to whom it was addressed.
A letter to a commissioner of a province. It could not be ascertained as to whom it was addressed. E-mail
Letter 40 A letter to a commissioner of a province. It could not be ascertained as to whom it was addressed.

I have been given to understand that you have taken possession of State-lands and that you have not only brought them under personal use but you have misappropriated State treasury also. Will you immediately send the detailed accounts (about both the items)? Remember that the reckoning of Allah is far more severe than any audit which man can carry out.

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