Pearl of Wisdom

'Allah Almighty revealed to David (AS), 'You would be a great worshipper, if it was not for the fact that you consume from the treasury and do not labour at all with your own hands.' He said, 'David (AS) then cried, so Allah revealed unto the iron, 'Soften yourself for my worshipper David, and it did.' So, Allah softened the metal for him, and he used to make an armour shield every day, and would sell it for one thousand dirhams. He made three hundred and sixty shields and sold them for three hundred and sixty thousand dirhams, and hence he no longer needed the treasury.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Kitab man la yahdurahi al-Faqih, v. 3, p. 162, no. 3594

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A letter to Abdullah bin Abbas. E-mail
Letter 72 A letter to Abdullah bin Abbas.

Remember Ibn Abbas that you cannot over live the span of life allotted to you, nor can you ever get that which has not been destined for you. You must know that this world has two aspects; one of its phases is that sometimes it serves you and works in your favour, and the other is that, it acts against you. This world is a place for empires to come and go; it is an abode of constant change. Here anything and everything which has been destined to do you good will reach you though you may not be strong and fit enough to try for it, and the loss, if it has been decreed for you, will come to you however hard you may try to avoid it.

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