Pearl of Wisdom

When a believer becomes sick, Allah reveals unto the angel on his left [shoulder], 'Do not write a sin for my servant as long as he is in My confinement and My grasp, and He reveals unto the angel on his right [shoulder], 'Write for My servant what you were writing for him in merits when he was healthy.'

Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim [as]
Ibid. v. 3, p. 114, no. 7 .

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Islamic Occasions » Holy Month of Rajab » Dua of the 12th Imam - 3
Dua of the 12th Imam - 3 E-mail


O’ Allah! He who possesses abundant favours, restraint benefactions, encompassed blessing, and comprehensive strength, and immense favour and great gifts, beautiful support and plentiful offers.

O’ He who is not described by comparison, and not compared with a counterpart, and He is not overcome by anything with its helpers, O’ He who create and make all provision, He who inspire and make people to pronounce, He originate and commence, He ascends and elevated, He has power to punish but he do good, He who shape things and do it excellently, He who raise objection and notify, He who bestowed and accomplished it, He who give in abundant, He who grant and make it better.

O’ He who is elevated in prestige and was escaped by all sight, He whose kindness is near and traversed peoples notion and thought, O’ He who is alone in His Kingdom and there is no any counterpart to Him in His Authority. He is alone in Benefaction and pride, there is no opposition to Him in His Omnipotence, O’ He who glory of His solemnity is passionate in every movement of kind imaginations, and peoples sight diminish in perceiving His Greatness.

O’ He whose Eyes are constraint to His Solemnity, and all supervision, succumbed to His Greatness and the minds are apprehensive due to His favour.

I seek from You with this laudation that no one deserved it except You, for what You have made incumbent for Yourself, O’ the best that hear among all hearer, O’ the best that see among the viewers, O’ He who possess firm strength.

Send Your blessing to the seal of the Prophets and to his holy household ( the truthful leaders), grant me a portion among the goods You have distributed in this holy month and make inevitable for me Your good destiny. Seal all my issues with felicity, let me alive with abundant life, and take my life in happiness and forgiveness, take over my rescue from the problems of the period between death and resurrection (Barzakhiy) and turn away from me the affliction of Munkar and Nakeer , and my eye be of grad tidings and hopeful, let me dwelled in your pleasure and Paradise with a firm and stable living and mighty kingdom, abundant blessing be upon Muhammad and upon his holy family.


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