Pearl of Wisdom
'Whoever preoccupies himself with time is occupied by it in turn.'
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Ibid. no. 7890
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Namaaz / Salat by 5th & 6th Imams |
Imam Muhammad Al Baaqir and Imam Jaa’far As Saadiq (A.S.) used to pray a 4 Raka’t Namaaz tonight as under:
In Every Raka’t recite Soorah Al Faatih’ah 100 times and Soorah Al Ikhlass 100 times After the Salaam recite the following dua’a:
O my Allah! I am, before Thee a needy, afraid of Thy displeasure, but hopeful of receiving Thy protection.
O my Allah do not substitute my name (from the list of the faithful), nor let my body (material aspects) undergo a change, nor put me to severe test and trial, nor subject me to the enemy’s ridicule.
I take refuge with Thy forgiveness to avoid Thy retribution, I take refuge with Thy mercy to avoid Thy punishment, I take refuge with Thy indulgence to avoid Thy displeasure, I take refuge with Thee from Thee, Glorious and sublime is Thy praise as Thou praises Thyself, but above and beyond that which the best orators say.