Pearl of Wisdom

'With the profusion of the intellect, clemency flourishes.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 4274

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O my Allah for the sake of this night we are now in, for the sake of he who was born tonight, Thy decisive argument,Thy “promise”, that Thou joined with it as a favour to keep alive its superiority, so Thou fulfilled Thy words truly and justly; no one can change Thy Words nor obscure Thy signs.

Thy Light, soft, pleasant and caressing, Thy splendor, had come in view bright and brilliant, for the “Bright sigh”, (so far) invisible and hidden in the obscurity of the darkness, the covering had been taken off, his arrival in this world was the basis of all kindness, the Angels stood witness.

Almighty Allah will help him and support him when the promise (the event of the beginning of his reign) come true, the Angels will be among his troops, (he will be) a fatal blow from Allah that will never miss the aim a light from Him that will never grow dim, a gentle matured disposition that will never jeopardize the truth.The motive and reason of the course of events, the honour and estimation of time, the “Ulil—Amr” (in charge of Allah’s affairs).Accompany that which comes down in the “Grand Night” the controllers of the Day of Judgment and resurrection, interpreters of the “Revelations”, and those who make known what to do and what not to do.

O Allah send blessing on their seal and representative, un seeable to their people, make his days, his return, his time, reach maturity, (let us be with him), as his helpers, let us be his attacking comrades to hunt up and eliminate the beasts (in human shapes), register our names as his supporters and sincere friends, bring us to life again in his reign, gentle and loving, happy and satisfied in his company, and steadfast in his cause, free from sins, O the Most Merciful! (All) praise is for Allah, the Lords of the worlds! His blessings be on our Chief, Muhammad, the Last Prophet and Messenger, and on his dependable “Ahlul Bayt”, his truth—revealing children, and condemn all the oppressors and keep back from evil they unleash at us, O the Best Ruler!

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