Pearl of Wisdom

'I have never seen Abu al-Hasan al-Rida (AS) hurt anybody with something he said, nor have I ever seen him interrupt anyone until he had finished, nor refuse to do someone a favour that he was able to do, nor did he ever stretch his legs before anyone sitting with him, nor lean against something while his companion did not, nor did he ever insult any of his servants or workers. And I have never seen him spit or burst into laughter; rather, his laughter was just a smile. When he was ready to eat and the table had been laid, he seated with him at the table all his servants, including the doorman and the stableboy.'

Ibrahim b. al-'Abbas
'Uyun Akhbar al-Rida (AS), v. 2, p. 184, no. 7

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O Allah let me love and cherish Thy friends, in this month, hate and discard Thy enemies, and follow the way of life of the last of Thy Prophets, O He who kept the thoughts and feelings of the Prophets flawless.

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