Pearl of Wisdom

Be good to your fathers and your children will be good to you, and restrain yourselves from other people's women and your own women will be chaste.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 359

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Islamic Occasions » Hajj - The Pilgrimage » Documentary / Movie - Journey of Hajj
Documentary / Movie - Journey of Hajj E-mail

A three part documentary in English covering the three main areas of the Pilgrimage, from the Prophets Mosque to Umrah e Tamattu and Hajj e Tamattu.

Part 1 - Medina and The Prophets Mosque

Download Part 1 - Medina

Part 2 - Umrah e Tamattu

Download Part 2 - Umrah e Tamattu

Part 3 - Hajj e Tamattu

Download Part 3 - Hajj e Tamattu

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