Pearl of Wisdom

to 'Abdallah b. 'Abbas, who said, 'I have not benefited from any saying after the sayings of the Prophet (SAWA), apart from this one [where the Imam said], 'Verily man feels happy when he manages to grasp something that he was about to miss, and he is saddened when he misses something that he would never had received. So let your happiness lie in all that you can seize of the Hereafter, and let your regret lie in all that which passes you by of it.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Letter 22

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Islamic Occasions » Hajj - The Pilgrimage » Documentary / Movie - Ibrahim: Friend of God
Documentary / Movie - Ibrahim: Friend of God E-mail

A movie showing the life of Prophet Ibrahim based around Quranic narrations, and it shows the birth of the annual pilgrimage of Hajj.

Part One

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Part Two

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