Pearl of Wisdom

Leave that which fills you with doubts for that which does not, for the one who grazes his animals around the protected area risks entering into it.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Tanbih al-Khawatir, v. 1, p. 52

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Miqat MapMiqats are specific places (appointed by Sharia) in Saudi Arabia, on the way to Makkah, which a pilgrim cannot cross without first wearing Ihraam.

1. Dhul-Hulaifa in the North (or commonly known as Masjid-e-Shajarah/Abar Ali). This is the Miqat, used by pilgrims who first go to Medina. It is about 7 km from city of Medina on the way to Makkah.
2. Al-Johfa in the North-West for those going to Makkah from Jeddah. (Or, if it is difficult to go to Masjid-e-Johfa because of a valid reason, one can go to Rabigh, which is Mahaz-e-Miqat (in line of Miqat) and put on Ihraam there). It is about 115 Km from Jeddah on the way to Medina. Pilgrims arriving from Egypt, Syria and Southern Africa are required to enter into the state of Ihraam at this place.
3. Zat Irq in the North-East. Located about thirty miles from Makkah, the pilgrims coming from Iraq and by land from the eastern side enter into the state of Ihraam at this place.
4. Qarn al-Manazil, located about 40 miles to the East of Makkah, the Pilgrims arriving from Yemen and by sea enter into the state of Ihraam at this place.
5. Yalamlam in the South-East, which is the Miqat for those who come via the Yemen.
6. Taneem (Masjid-e-Umra), this place is near Makkah and acts as Miqat for people living in Makkah. If someone is living in Makkah and wants to perform Umra then he should go to this place, enter into the state of Ihraam and then return to Makkah so that the condition of traveling for the pilgrims is also fulfilled. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has said: "Part of the worship of Hajj and Umra is to travel in the way of Allah and to go out of the city."

Ihraam on the Airplane

Since Jeddah is not identified as one of the prescribed Miqats nor Mahaz-e-Miqat, it is, therefore, not sufficient to put on Ihraam in Jeddah. If one wishes to travel to Makkah from Jeddah then Ihraam has to be worn by NAZR in one's own country or in the Airplane at a distance approximately one hour before reaching Jeddah. In this case, one will have to pay KAFFARA (for gents only) for traveling under shade. Nazr should be made in this manner: Allah has the right over me that I should become Muhrim from here.

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