Pearl of Wisdom

When the governors [of a place] are dishonest, rainfall is withheld [from that place], and when the sultan is unjust the whole country is abased, and when the alms-tax is not paid, livestock die as a result.' sins whose punishment is hastened in the life of this world and is not delayed until the Hereafter: insolence to one's parents, intimidation of others and in gratitude for a favour.'

Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha [as]
Amali al-Mufid, p. 310, no. 2

Article Source

We acknowledge that the below references for providing the original file containing the 'Events of Karbala'. Their references are

Yousuf N.Lalljee (2006). Know Your Islam. Ansariyan Publications. Qum
Lohouf, By Sayyid ibn Tawoos
Ali Hussain Jalali (2003). Karbala & Ashura. Ansariyan Publications. Qum

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